About Shri

Shri Gunasekara is an illustrator with a love for telling stories about wholesome, heart-woman depictions of familial or platonic relationship dynamics.

About Shri but longer…

Shri Gunasekara tells stories about wholesome relationships between familial and platonic relationships. Bringing to light the importance of this sort of love that can be easily overlooked and undervalued compared to romantic love in our Western society. Shri focuses on storylines where the small everyday moments in healthy relationship dynamics are front stage, depicting relationships that are not reliant on drama to progress the story.

She explores these themes with bright colourful palettes and bold compositions, Never really knowing if you're looking at a picture book or a comic.

She has worked and collaborated with:

Third Bear Press, Arts University of Plymouth Student Union, Plymouth Art Cinema, BABE (Bristol Artist Bristol Event), Plymouth Green Minds charity, Plymouth University Mirror Plymouth Art Gallery and Plymouth City Council.

Faires She’s worked at:

Thought Bubble 2023, Plymouth Comic and Zine Fair, CYMK, Pen & Ink, and Outline.